The Men's Program

Foundations of Energetic Mastery

It is a very exciting time to be considering our Men's program because we have just started including men in Perri's Devotion container as well. What this means is starting November 11, Men will be able to join all of Perri's live calls in her Devotion container as well as all the calls available specifically to Holder.

In this group we will be teaching:
-  How to be in relationship with the FEMININE. This is not to be confused with the cultivation of your Feminine. It is not our belief that men need to be more Feminine. But how you relate to and treat the Feminine, in yourself and in the world is a worthy exploration.

- Cultivate your sexual fire and approval for your hunger
-How to be powerful holder
- Skillful energetic penetration
- How to cultivate your embodied knowing and move from the Egoic Masculine to the Conscious Masculine
- How to navigate communication and boundaries and consent in all relationships

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