Perri Chase - The Path of Divine ,Embodied, Full Expression

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Perri is teaching a fresh version of Devotion LIVE
starting in November. The first time in 4 years.

We kick off on November 11 with 30 days of SXBMB starting November 9th

Get The Replay Right Now
My most generous offering.
A deep dive immersive into my modality SXBMB™️.

App membership required & not included
A special 2 day online workshop with Perri designed to guide you through a structure to create six figures in 2023.
App membership required & not included
My own personal app.
Free course on Sovereignty, dozens of written and video transmissions. $11/m

I am a woman
I am a teacher
I am a channel
I am a seer
I am a weaver
I am knowing
I am a truth teller
I am a shaman
I am a magician
I am death
I am destruction
I am the blade
I am the medicine

I am life
I am the creator
I am creation
I am the cosmos
I am the void
I am the fire
I am the earth
I am the blood
I am the soil
I am the sun
I am the stars
I am devotion
 I am a lover
I am a wife
I am a mother

I am the nectar
I am everything
I am nothing
I am Truth
I am Love
I am You

I am a woman
I am a teacher
I am a channel
I am a seer
I am a weaver
I am knowing
I am a truth teller
I am a shaman
I am a magician
I am death
I am destruction
I am the blade
I am the medicine

I am life
I am the creator
I am creation
I am the cosmos
I am the void
I am the fire
I am the earth
I am the blood
I am the soil
I am the sun
I am the stars
I am devotion
 I am a lover
I am a wife
I am a mother

I am the nectar
I am everything
I am nothing
I am Truth
I am Love
I am You

We are here to be fully expressed.
Each of us a unique expression of Source, we are here to bring forth Creation through the Human form.
We are also here to fully experience and be HUMAN and all that is to learn inside the contrast of duality.
And in this experience we learn how to alchemize and integrate all that is.

I am walking my path.
And you are welcome to come with me.
On this path, we become nothing to become everything.
We embrace loss and destruction so that we can receive and hold the magnificence of creation.
We practice trust and devotion to a force that pulses within us.
Our compass is the frequency of Truth.
SHE is our teacher and life is our mat.

We are here to be fully expressed.
Each of us a unique expression of Source, we are here to bring forth Creation through the Human form.
We are also here to fully experience and be HUMAN and all that is to learn inside the contrast of duality.
And in this experience we learn how to alchemize and integrate all that is.

I am walking my path.
And you are welcome to come with me.
On this path, we become nothing to become everything.
We embrace loss and destruction so that we can receive and hold the magnificence of creation.
We practice trust and devotion to a force that pulses within us.
Our compass is the frequency of Truth.
SHE is our teacher and life is our mat.
A great way to get to know if I am for you is by watching some of my Transmissions
Clear you are ready to work with Perri?
Fill out our application so we can customize your path.
Clear you are ready to work with Perri?
Fill out our application so we can customize your path.
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