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the pssy map

the pssy map

Free Class 
Sept 12

Free Class 
Sept 12

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46 years ago born in a hospital in Florida to a young girl who wanted a better life for me than she could give me. She was assaulted by my birth father in what I worked out through some deep somatic experiences that was an attempt to kill me in utero. And of course I […]

My soul chose PERRI

August 13, 2024

August 13, 2024

August 13, 2024

Go big or go home

If Lineage was taking the Lamborghini out of the garage Eternity was getting it onto the Autobahn and driving a big smooth ride As I moved into the event this year after a year of letting things go, deep digestion, digging really deep about what is being asked of me, releasing old attachments what I […]

You are either moving towards embodiment and divine union or you are moving away from it.

One moves you towards unity with source, one moves you further into separation into synthetic timelines. There is no access to the soul from the mind without the body. So much of the world is living as the mind with no access to their divinity. The test of the Matrix (the womb to develop) is […]

There is a lot shifting in my world at the moment. The choice to close doors and let go of things that are no longer in alignment was an enormous flood of energy coming back into my life. We hold on too long to things out of inner child wounding, convenience, obligation, fear…. but when […]

Heartbreak, Transitions & Letting Go

July 22, 2024

July 22, 2024

July 22, 2024

Shame is the trick that keeps you from the breakthrough

Let me tell you about shame. It is paralyzing for people. It is also at the root of many addictions. People LOVE to feel shame. Yes. That’s right. People LOVE to feel shame. They do so many things just to feel it. I remember the sting of shame I felt as a child when it […]

Are you brave enough to answer the call?

We didn’t come here to be merely human. We came here from higher dimensions at a critical time in the history of humanity and the planet to participate in the anchoring a very particular frequency of the Feminine into collective. Not the dark feminine.  Not the swampy devouring seductress obsessed with her hunger, (which we […]

Most of you don’t know me prior to this phase of my life as a married woman and a mother. But for the majority of my life I was just dripping in sex. Last night I was telling a story about when I was 15 and I went on a teen tour to Costa Rica. […]

The power and distortion of dripping sex

June 28, 2024

June 28, 2024

June 28, 2024

They say “If you think you are Enlightened have dinner with your family” but I say “If you want to test your ability to hold yourself have three hours worth of dental work done.”

Without getting into the long drawn out story of the impacted canine I have due to it not being handled when I was a kid, I’ll tell you that I’ve been facing some complex dental decisions for a bit. With the mold and Bartonella and inflammation I decided to not do the surgery + braces […]

One of the reasons I teach from a frequency

One of the reasons I teach from a frequency is because so many “systems” humanity has been relying on for millennia are incomplete and have distortions. To the best of my ability I work with the energy, not the content. The energy never lies. Laws are laws. And the laws shine the light on any […]

Let me give you a quick lesson in energetics. I teach this in depth in my program DEVOTION. When we are descending through the layers of our external to internal world, pockets of unprocessed trauma are kept in rooms or shells or vaults or however you would like to visualize a compartment with a hard […]

The reactivity to your unprocessed trauma is not your “power”

April 24, 2024

April 24, 2024

April 24, 2024

The Lesson of “do not force , do not fix” has never been louder

Earlier this week I had an alarming experience where I went for Neurofeedback, trained my Theta all the way down and couldn’t work. I literally could not feel the field and the sense was like I had a metal helmet on. I went back and trained my Theta back (first time in the history of […]

Birthing ourselves into the quantum

I was speaking with my good friend Angel today and we were discussing how it felt like we were living split timelines at the same time. One that was deep and working out core shit and one that felt expansive and Quantum. And I think this is a perfect teaching moment as we move into […]

How we handle shadow revealing moments in our life is really a testament to our relationship with the Feminine. The dark aspects of the Feminine that are necrotic and consuming and composting literally eat away the untrue skin we have created. How are you handle this shadowy transit? I recommend you bend over and spread […]

We will never truly be beautiful of we aren’t willing to be ugly

January 21, 2024

January 21, 2024

January 21, 2024

The end of an era

There is a completion I have been feeling in my life and as usual, the planetary movements usually line up perfectly. This is the last time in our life Pluto will be in Capricorn and that is will be gone for 240 years. I actually got teary. I read that Pluto came into Capricorn 2008 […]

The importance of consent in your work

I want to speak to all the practitioners out there and discuss the very real and valid right you have to create the conditions to do your work on your terms under the conditions you need to run your spaces with self respect and care. A woman came into my inbox asking for a partial […]

I was watching a reel yesterday about something they are teaching in schools. Taking different groups and putting them into columns of oppressor and oppressed Heterosexuals, white people, people living in their god given embodiment all oppressors. Oh and Jews. Jews are apparently oppressors to. Women (just not white or Jewish women) any kind of […]

Identifying with the “Oppressed”

November 11, 2023

November 11, 2023

November 11, 2023

Let’s talk about Truth.

I did a really deep teaching on this in my program Devotion, where I teach on energetics but I feel this teaching really needs to be out here. Truth is a frequency. It’s an energy. A harmonic. It’s a universal law like gravity and it operates on different strata in different dimensions in different ways. […]

A warning about awakening

First, let me just say, if we as humans had a real choice about our awakening that would look solely as how we chose to actively participate or resist it. Awakening is inevitable even if it’s the last seconds of your time here. Our souls choose the journey. Our souls choose our teachers, our lessons, […]

Welcome to the collection of my writings. 
For years I only posted my writing on social media. While it was great for 'Instant' shares, it was a terrible HOME for my writing. You will find a full archive here of years and years of my posts. While I have alchemized many things since writing these posts, there are gifts for everyone at all stages in my writings over the years.

artist, oracle, poet, teacher, mama, woman - you will feel them all in my writing

Hi, I'm perri.


Welcome to the collection of my writings. 
For years I only posted my writing on social media. While it was great for 'Instant' shares, it was a terrible HOME for my writing. You will find a full archive here of years and years of my posts. While I have alchemized many things since writing these posts, there are gifts for everyone at all stages in my writings over the years.

artist, oracle, poet, teacher, mama, woman - you will feel them all in my writing

Hi, I'm perri.


the pssy map

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a woman's guide to the universE

sign up for the
free Masterclass series
starting Sept 12th

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September 12 @ 11am pst 

class three:
PSSY as a map of your universe
how she guides us home

September 20 @ 12pm pst 

September 23 @ 11am pst 

class one:
Disconnection from the sacred
leads to disconnection from self 

class two:
getting to know her - workshopping our relationship with pssy

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I am known as many things: Teacher, Mystic, Guide, Cosmic PSSY DJ and Spiritual Entrepreneur. Some of my most important titles are Woman, Wife, Mother. I am passionate about guiding others into their soul's highest potential and full expression. I am so glad you found me.
Buckle up buttercup! It's gonna be a ride!





spriritual entrepreneur

cosmuc pssy dj




