
One moves you towards unity with source, one moves you further into separation into synthetic timelines. There is no access to the soul from the mind without the body. So much of the world is living as the mind with no access to their divinity. The test of the Matrix (the womb to develop) is […]

July 30, 2024

One moves you towards unity with source, one moves you further into separation into synthetic timelines. There is no access to the soul from the mind without the body. So much of the world is living as the mind with no access to their divinity. The test of the Matrix (the womb to develop) is […]

July 30, 2024

Without getting into the long drawn out story of the impacted canine I have due to it not being handled when I was a kid, I’ll tell you that I’ve been facing some complex dental decisions for a bit. With the mold and Bartonella and inflammation I decided to not do the surgery + braces […]

June 18, 2024

June 17, 2024

One of the reasons I teach from a frequency is because so many “systems” humanity has been relying on for millennia are incomplete and have distortions. To the best of my ability I work with the energy, not the content. The energy never lies. Laws are laws. And the laws shine the light on any […]

I was watching a reel yesterday about something they are teaching in schools. Taking different groups and putting them into columns of oppressor and oppressed Heterosexuals, white people, people living in their god given embodiment all oppressors. Oh and Jews. Jews are apparently oppressors to. Women (just not white or Jewish women) any kind of […]

November 11, 2023

I was watching a reel yesterday about something they are teaching in schools. Taking different groups and putting them into columns of oppressor and oppressed Heterosexuals, white people, people living in their god given embodiment all oppressors. Oh and Jews. Jews are apparently oppressors to. Women (just not white or Jewish women) any kind of […]

November 11, 2023

First, let me just say, if we as humans had a real choice about our awakening that would look solely as how we chose to actively participate or resist it. Awakening is inevitable even if it’s the last seconds of your time here. Our souls choose the journey. Our souls choose our teachers, our lessons, […]

October 7, 2023

August 21, 2023

The perfection of the spiritual journey is such a funny thing that at a certain point you see that it’s a masterpiece. But it’s not only hard, it’s impossible to see when you are in it. The thing about normal CULTural living is you think that it’s normal. Healthy. Not harmful in the slightest. You […]

I am not a believer in activism. Most people cannot do activism without the belief taking root as their identity. And then their identity attaches to their nemesis and they become not only one with it, their passion actually fuels the thing they are fighting against. Someone recently commented that they didn’t understand how I […]

July 4, 2023

I am not a believer in activism. Most people cannot do activism without the belief taking root as their identity. And then their identity attaches to their nemesis and they become not only one with it, their passion actually fuels the thing they are fighting against. Someone recently commented that they didn’t understand how I […]

July 4, 2023

There is something I’ve been really sitting with, especially spending time with myself. I love being with myself now. And I love being with myself when I’m not influenced by the fields of others. What has been coming clearer and clearer for me is a remembrance of who I was as a child before my […]

June 26, 2023

June 13, 2023

I have culled many items of my past. The hardest ones have been “luxury” items from the days of making 7-figures and a time where I spent money on things because they reflected who I was. Or so I thought. There was a time when walking into a store and spending money on clothes, shoes, […]

First, I want to say up front that I do not teach about food. At ALL. There is no mention of food in any of my personal teachings in any program. People have this misconception that I’m out here telling women to get fat. It’s so ridiculous it’s laughable. I’ll come back to this in […]

May 18, 2023

First, I want to say up front that I do not teach about food. At ALL. There is no mention of food in any of my personal teachings in any program. People have this misconception that I’m out here telling women to get fat. It’s so ridiculous it’s laughable. I’ll come back to this in […]

May 18, 2023

It’s been the one place for so long I had no sight I was flying blind And it led me to seek saviors who could save me from my body Now let’s not get confused here My body is what let’s me feel truth But when it came to topics the body itself I would […]

February 19, 2023

January 18, 2023

Right now I’m detoxing and creating immersive opportunities to sweat. If I go into these things without paying attention I will want to leave the experience right before I begin to sweat. I notice the pattern. The body heats. The discomfort builds. Right before my pores open and the sweat begins to pour, my mind […]

There was a time when I was happy to waste my time and life force on debate and internet discussions. It fed the mental part of me that wanted to chew on things and prove a point. It’s Egoic entertainment. Pushing dirt around. Agreeing to disagree. Respecting and giving space to all opinions and individual […]

January 12, 2023

There was a time when I was happy to waste my time and life force on debate and internet discussions. It fed the mental part of me that wanted to chew on things and prove a point. It’s Egoic entertainment. Pushing dirt around. Agreeing to disagree. Respecting and giving space to all opinions and individual […]

January 12, 2023

I felt the spot of panic yesterday. It’s like the little kid who fucked something up and is terrified she isn’t going to be able to fix it. It’s a birth memory and a young memory. “Don’t leave me. Give me another chance. Let me get it right.” This is the spot that freezes when […]

December 31, 2022

November 13, 2022

My dearest women. I have an important public service announcement. There is no amount of fawning for Daddy that is going to compete with a plump, electric, juicy, dripping pussy. Stop with this Polarity nonsense and just focus on the biology.  You don’t do this FOR a man.  But this will attract the right men. […]

I have worked with many women who have sexual and other trauma. I don’t specifically address the Trauma directly in a lot of cases (I brought Angel in to be able to do that kind of surgical work) but the trauma heals in the work. Why do I think this is? Because ultimately I work […]

November 2, 2022

I have worked with many women who have sexual and other trauma. I don’t specifically address the Trauma directly in a lot of cases (I brought Angel in to be able to do that kind of surgical work) but the trauma heals in the work. Why do I think this is? Because ultimately I work […]

November 2, 2022

There is a trend I’ve been noticing about women without the training or systems or knowledge to guide people into working with PSSY. Women who have come into my container and created copies of SXBMB™️ (Which you can’t btw because it is coded by my field), or created things that they no idea the impact […]

September 11, 2022

September 2, 2022

First, I want to say up front that I do not teach about food. At ALL. There is no mention of food in any of my personal teachings in any program. People have this misconception that I’m out here telling women to get fat. It’s so ridiculous it’s laughable. I’ll come back to this in […]

I am known as many things: Teacher, Mystic, Guide, Cosmic PSSY DJ and Spiritual Entrepreneur. Some of my most important titles are Woman, Wife, Mother. I am passionate about guiding others into their soul's highest potential and full expression. I am so glad you found me.
Buckle up buttercup! It's gonna be a ride!





spriritual entrepreneur

cosmuc pssy dj





