There was a time when I was happy to waste my time and life force on debate and internet discussions. It fed the mental part of me that wanted to chew on things and prove a point. It’s Egoic entertainment. Pushing dirt around. Agreeing to disagree. Respecting and giving space to all opinions and individual […]

How to be with me here

January 12, 2023

January 12, 2023

January 12, 2023

The Spot Under the Spot, Under the Spot

I felt the spot of panic yesterday. It’s like the little kid who fucked something up and is terrified she isn’t going to be able to fix it. It’s a birth memory and a young memory. “Don’t leave me. Give me another chance. Let me get it right.” This is the spot that freezes when […]

Map to Six Figures

The discussion revolves around business sustainability, focusing on financial goals, personal growth, and overcoming challenges. Key topics include breaking feast and famine cycles, upgrading businesses, setting appropriate prices, and attracting clients. The importance of self-investment, differentiation, and market creation is also highlighted. The conversation also delves into the practical aspects of calculating income, pricing services, […]

This morning I closed out the week long Reverence Retreat in Oahu, Hawaii. I’m sitting looking out my window watching a majestic huge surf outside. And I am grateful. I am so grateful for the women who say yes to the experience beyond their ideas for themselves. I am so grateful for the women who […]

In reverence

December 16, 2022

December 16, 2022

December 16, 2022

Mold is Humbling Me

First, I want to say how devestating it is to hear so many stories of beautiful and vibrant lives mysteriously debilitated by mold illness. I am so fucking sorry. I am shocked at how many people have reached out to me about how sick they have been.   I think there was something that broke […]

I can do hard things

The farther I go on this path the more impressed I am with what I can meet. I nearly used the word handle but that’s an old version of this. The tough it out version. Grin and bare it. Don’t be a wuss. You are so strong… Perri. That version just didn’t get to be […]

I’m sitting here this evening after read an article about this thoughtful documentary I watched call Ancient Apocalypse calling it the “most DANGEROUS” documentary on Netflix. What on earth? Some guy suggesting there was a major environmental event that nearly wiped out humans over 12000 years ago is … dangerous? To who exactly? My first […]

Truth ages well

November 26, 2022

November 26, 2022

November 26, 2022

Innocence V Fantasy

What is innocence? Innocence is a state of unbroken wonder. A state of discovery. A state that still holds the oneness beyond the veil. Innocence is a genuine not knowing and is truly reserved for children. Some children don’t even get to enjoy their innocence. Most cultures initiate children into adulthood to break this innocence […]

The Liar v Dishonest Person

We all like to think we are honest people. But total honesty is rare. Really. Let’s unpack it. A liar … liar liar pants on fire Oh to be called a liar! See a liar is a very specific thing. A lie is not simply not telling the truth, it’s crafting a fabrication. It’s many […]

I generally just don’t care. And before you describe that as “cold” or “arrogant” let me reframe this for you. I live in deep relationship with a particular thread of energy that runs through all things in one way or another. It’s the only thing I care about. Being in tune and in sync with […]

Of Course You Can Disagree With Me

November 15, 2022

November 15, 2022

November 15, 2022

My sword is my gift

As I suspected, a few people have taken my vulnerable post about a nuanced energetic I shared about my own trauma response, one that is probably sub perceptible to most to be confused with my adjustments and sword. Folks I serve Truth. I adjust and attune people to a particular energetic. And I am fierce […]

You Don’t Need Polarity; You Need a Pulsing Wet Pussy

My dearest women. I have an important public service announcement. There is no amount of fawning for Daddy that is going to compete with a plump, electric, juicy, dripping pussy. Stop with this Polarity nonsense and just focus on the biology.  You don’t do this FOR a man.  But this will attract the right men. […]

My experience of this path is that when you first begin it gives you a wide berth. Plenty of room for mistakes, to run patterns again and again. The ability to take shortcuts. And as you develop a deeper relationship with the energetic power that is Truth, she gets tighter. The slap is harder and […]

The Sobering Truth

November 9, 2022

November 9, 2022

November 9, 2022

When We Journey Together, I Will Never Let You Abandon Yourself, Even When You Think You Want To

Part of working with a teacher is trusting them to hold you.  Part of that holding is communicating what abandoning yourself looks like and knowing that someone else will always reflect to you, even in the face of your Ego screaming and your inner children wailing, the reminder of what you said was out of […]

To be Self Held

I have worked with many women who have sexual and other trauma. I don’t specifically address the Trauma directly in a lot of cases (I brought Angel in to be able to do that kind of surgical work) but the trauma heals in the work. Why do I think this is? Because ultimately I work […]

I have hit a new baseline and it feels like a wide open pasture…. Nothing for forever. And some part of me is like, this is unsustainable we are going to collapse. Except we aren’t. It’s just pure field all the time. I remember a couple of years ago I moved to a new level […]

The Release of Collapse

October 29, 2022

October 29, 2022

October 29, 2022

Dating with a bomb ass PSSY

There is a particular Pattern I’ve seen emerge with many of my younger women students in their dating lives. They meet a guy They really let themselves open He combusts Can’t handle the relationship They are left there wondering what happened Feeling victimized by their power BUT WORSE that they SHOULDN’T OPEN because “opening scared […]

When Spiritual Awakening Is Confused With Mental Illness

The spiritual interpretation of bipolar and the phenomenon that is Kanye West. Kanye West in my opinion is most definitely open to a channel that’s awakening him. However, his life, his surroundings, and his spiritual education have not given him the environment to even understand what’s happening to him. Enter the bipolar diagnosis. In my […]

Welcome to the collection of my writings. 
For years I only posted my writing on social media. While it was great for 'Instant' shares, it was a terrible HOME for my writing. You will find a full archive here of years and years of my posts. While I have alchemized many things since writing these posts, there are gifts for everyone at all stages in my writings over the years.

artist, oracle, poet, teacher, mama, woman - you will feel them all in my writing

Hi, I'm perri.


Welcome to the collection of my writings. 
For years I only posted my writing on social media. While it was great for 'Instant' shares, it was a terrible HOME for my writing. You will find a full archive here of years and years of my posts. While I have alchemized many things since writing these posts, there are gifts for everyone at all stages in my writings over the years.

artist, oracle, poet, teacher, mama, woman - you will feel them all in my writing

Hi, I'm perri.


get started get started get started get started get started get started get started get started 

get started get started get started get started get started get started get started get started 

get started get started get started get started get started get started get started get started get started get started get started get started 

An Introduction to Working With CHAOS

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I am known as many things: Teacher, Mystic, Guide, Cosmic PSSY DJ and Spiritual Entrepreneur. Some of my most important titles are Woman, Wife, Mother. I am passionate about guiding others into their soul's highest potential and full expression. I am so glad you found me.
Buckle up buttercup! It's gonna be a ride!





spriritual entrepreneur

cosmuc pssy dj




