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the pssy map

the pssy map

Free Class 
Sept 12

Free Class 
Sept 12

Click Here!

Click Here!

There is a trend I’ve been noticing about women without the training or systems or knowledge to guide people into working with PSSY. Women who have come into my container and created copies of SXBMB™️ (Which you can’t btw because it is coded by my field), or created things that they no idea the impact […]

PSSY is Pure Chaos Energy

September 11, 2022

September 11, 2022

September 11, 2022

Outing Myself

Yesterday, after five long, full days of working the Monarch retreat I climbed onto one of my body / energy worker’s table and melted. Everything in my body was just butter. All the places that usually grip were malleable. She said to me “This is the most relaxed I have ever felt your nervous system.” […]

Setting the record straight

First, I want to say up front that I do not teach about food. At ALL. There is no mention of food in any of my personal teachings in any program. People have this misconception that I’m out here telling women to get fat. It’s so ridiculous it’s laughable. I’ll come back to this in […]

The way an energetic system expands is to push the edges out to be able to hold more. But until the expansion happens what it feels like is that you are bursting at the seams and it can be leaky, spilling when even the slightest more comes in. I’ve felt this way since Burst and […]

Expansion is Messy

August 28, 2022

August 28, 2022

August 28, 2022

The real enlightenment is acceptance and love of all things

I was reading a friend’s post about the slew of Masters who also had “fucked up” humanity. And how the lay person looks at these people and thinks that they have “blind spots”. And I find it laughable. Because at that level of Mastery you can see. The difference is you can ACCEPT. You can […]

There was a time when I didn’t trust love

I was skeptical of loving people and I actually thought it was kind of gross. Early in my spiritual journey I remember someone saying to me “You can’t feel our love can you?” And I couldn’t. She told me loving me was like pouring water on concrete. It was said in a way that I […]

Oh she is so alluring the way she weaves words that touch our deepest wounds, slicing them open so they can bleed again and again. The pain – temporarily – brings us down from the prison of the mind and feels cathartic. The words that make our deepest unseen parts feel seen and not alone. […]

The queen of the swamp

July 27, 2022

July 27, 2022

July 27, 2022

There are two kinds of “Individuation”

The standard kind is layering Ego to create a complex multilayered identity that makes it seem like you unique. The second is to peel away that which is not True and allow the universe to move through you in the way it could only move through you. The first leads to disconnection, comparison, loneliness and […]

I’ve been wanting to talk about something

I’ve been wanting to talk about something that I see that’s pretty obvious to me but the populace seems to be wooed by the illusion of the media. These mass shootings are operations. They are America’s suicide bombers. A suicide bomber rarely acts alone. They are a disposable messenger who is: – programmed -funded – […]

There is something I want to discuss about working with Energy, and why I teach Energetic Mastery. Energy sets the laws. And if you become a student of energy for personal gain but you aren’t open to really receive and serve or if you take a partial amount of the teachings, well then you will […]

There is something I want to discuss about working with Energy

July 4, 2022

July 4, 2022

July 4, 2022

The Government is Not Responsible : A coded transmission

I’m not sure when it happened, this swampy collapse of personal irresponsibility into lap of “The Government” but I want to send this deep into the underpinnings of your psyche: The Government is Not Responsible If you go through your life I want you to think about where you think the government is responsible for […]

Why abortion is the fuse on the trojan horse that could collapse the entire country

Houston, We have a problem. And the problem is not abortions. It’s not a woman’s right to choose. It’s not even privacy. We have a foundational disruption to the bedrock of the Government. We have members of Congress chanting a Supreme Court decision is illegitimate. And we have smug justices thinking they are somehow doing […]

When we experience the world through our wounds, we are not experiencing things as they are. This is hard to accept especially if we are still using the lens of victim consciousness. We seek the world to become a “safe space” instead of investigating why we are having the experience over and over again. Sure […]

Your Trauma Response is a reflection of your wound, not the person you are interacting with

June 19, 2022

June 19, 2022

June 19, 2022

Is Your Whole Life Just a Trauma Response ?

Oof. What a gut punching question right? Well you aren’t alone. So much of mine has been. And I’m so grateful for my trauma because it was the best teacher. But it’s taken me a long time and lifetimes of work to be able to say that. There were times I didn’t even want to […]

This is such a bitter pill to swallow

This is such a bitter pill to swallow. But the “make me safe” strategy is one that hands power over and leaves one in a “prey” or perpetual victim state dependent on external protection. It also sets the protector up as either savior or perpetrator. The people who feel better relying on external forces for […]

On this path of Embodied Spirituality what I have learned is that there is no bypassing : – Your trauma – Your nervous system – Your inner child Because no matter how much you think you “know” or understand, a real spiritual journey as a human includes the body and the unhealed wounded parts. There […]

On this path of Embodied Spirituality what I have learned is that there is no bypassing

May 24, 2022

May 24, 2022

May 24, 2022

What I Think About the Body Positivity “Movement”

I spoke a bit about the Feminine Aesthetic v Embodiment the other day and the gorgeousness of life force animating a body of any shape. And I think I should discuss the Body Positivity Movement. Like all activism, it meant well, seeking to shine a light on the fact that modern beauty standards, the fashion […]

I told you we were going to lose Abortion this year

I am deeply saddened by what the issue of abortion shows us about who we are as a people. I will never believe the relationship between a woman and her womb is the business of the government. It’s just too misogynistic for me and it lacks a level of compassionate nuance that is required for […]

Welcome to the collection of my writings. 
For years I only posted my writing on social media. While it was great for 'Instant' shares, it was a terrible HOME for my writing. You will find a full archive here of years and years of my posts. While I have alchemized many things since writing these posts, there are gifts for everyone at all stages in my writings over the years.

artist, oracle, poet, teacher, mama, woman - you will feel them all in my writing

Hi, I'm perri.


Welcome to the collection of my writings. 
For years I only posted my writing on social media. While it was great for 'Instant' shares, it was a terrible HOME for my writing. You will find a full archive here of years and years of my posts. While I have alchemized many things since writing these posts, there are gifts for everyone at all stages in my writings over the years.

artist, oracle, poet, teacher, mama, woman - you will feel them all in my writing

Hi, I'm perri.


the pssy map

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a woman's guide to the universE

sign up for the
free Masterclass series
starting Sept 12th

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September 12 @ 11am pst 

class three:
PSSY as a map of your universe
how she guides us home

September 20 @ 12pm pst 

September 23 @ 11am pst 

class one:
Disconnection from the sacred
leads to disconnection from self 

class two:
getting to know her - workshopping our relationship with pssy

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I am known as many things: Teacher, Mystic, Guide, Cosmic PSSY DJ and Spiritual Entrepreneur. Some of my most important titles are Woman, Wife, Mother. I am passionate about guiding others into their soul's highest potential and full expression. I am so glad you found me.
Buckle up buttercup! It's gonna be a ride!





spriritual entrepreneur

cosmuc pssy dj




