
When we experience the world through our wounds, we are not experiencing things as they are. This is hard to accept especially if we are still using the lens of victim consciousness. We seek the world to become a “safe space” instead of investigating why we are having the experience over and over again. Sure […]

June 19, 2022

When we experience the world through our wounds, we are not experiencing things as they are. This is hard to accept especially if we are still using the lens of victim consciousness. We seek the world to become a “safe space” instead of investigating why we are having the experience over and over again. Sure […]

June 19, 2022

Oof. What a gut punching question right? Well you aren’t alone. So much of mine has been. And I’m so grateful for my trauma because it was the best teacher. But it’s taken me a long time and lifetimes of work to be able to say that. There were times I didn’t even want to […]

June 7, 2022

May 24, 2022

On this path of Embodied Spirituality what I have learned is that there is no bypassing : – Your trauma – Your nervous system – Your inner child Because no matter how much you think you “know” or understand, a real spiritual journey as a human includes the body and the unhealed wounded parts. There […]

I spoke a bit about the Feminine Aesthetic v Embodiment the other day and the gorgeousness of life force animating a body of any shape. And I think I should discuss the Body Positivity Movement. Like all activism, it meant well, seeking to shine a light on the fact that modern beauty standards, the fashion […]

May 9, 2022

I spoke a bit about the Feminine Aesthetic v Embodiment the other day and the gorgeousness of life force animating a body of any shape. And I think I should discuss the Body Positivity Movement. Like all activism, it meant well, seeking to shine a light on the fact that modern beauty standards, the fashion […]

May 9, 2022

I am known as many things: Teacher, Mystic, Guide, Cosmic PSSY DJ and Spiritual Entrepreneur. Some of my most important titles are Woman, Wife, Mother. I am passionate about guiding others into their soul's highest potential and full expression. I am so glad you found me.
Buckle up buttercup! It's gonna be a ride!





spriritual entrepreneur

cosmuc pssy dj





