Patterns & Energetics

Let me tell you about shame. It is paralyzing for people. It is also at the root of many addictions. People LOVE to feel shame. Yes. That’s right. People LOVE to feel shame. They do so many things just to feel it. I remember the sting of shame I felt as a child when it […]

July 15, 2024

Let me tell you about shame. It is paralyzing for people. It is also at the root of many addictions. People LOVE to feel shame. Yes. That’s right. People LOVE to feel shame. They do so many things just to feel it. I remember the sting of shame I felt as a child when it […]

July 15, 2024

Let me give you a quick lesson in energetics. I teach this in depth in my program DEVOTION. When we are descending through the layers of our external to internal world, pockets of unprocessed trauma are kept in rooms or shells or vaults or however you would like to visualize a compartment with a hard […]

April 24, 2024

January 21, 2024

How we handle shadow revealing moments in our life is really a testament to our relationship with the Feminine. The dark aspects of the Feminine that are necrotic and consuming and composting literally eat away the untrue skin we have created. How are you handle this shadowy transit? I recommend you bend over and spread […]

I was watching a reel yesterday about something they are teaching in schools. Taking different groups and putting them into columns of oppressor and oppressed Heterosexuals, white people, people living in their god given embodiment all oppressors. Oh and Jews. Jews are apparently oppressors to. Women (just not white or Jewish women) any kind of […]

November 11, 2023

I was watching a reel yesterday about something they are teaching in schools. Taking different groups and putting them into columns of oppressor and oppressed Heterosexuals, white people, people living in their god given embodiment all oppressors. Oh and Jews. Jews are apparently oppressors to. Women (just not white or Jewish women) any kind of […]

November 11, 2023

As adults, we play out and process the childhood pain that’s almost too immeasurable to feel through a hologram of experiences. As adults we are able to talk about “bad” experiences we had but it is rare to see people write about what’s truly underneath these adult experiences. Writing about their violent alcoholic mother, the […]

September 25, 2023

August 27, 2023

One of the things I have had to deeply work on in my own journey is judgement and punishment I used to be so hard on myself This was my conditioning I was constantly punishing my own nature and any “mistake” because I had little to no compassion and forgiveness for my own humanity It […]

I am not a believer in activism. Most people cannot do activism without the belief taking root as their identity. And then their identity attaches to their nemesis and they become not only one with it, their passion actually fuels the thing they are fighting against. Someone recently commented that they didn’t understand how I […]

July 4, 2023

I am not a believer in activism. Most people cannot do activism without the belief taking root as their identity. And then their identity attaches to their nemesis and they become not only one with it, their passion actually fuels the thing they are fighting against. Someone recently commented that they didn’t understand how I […]

July 4, 2023

I want to make a distinction in practice. The difference between going unconscious in a trigger, and consciously allowing your human to be wounded. What’s the difference? I’m in this inquiry because I just had a falling out with a friend who reacted in a deeply unconscious way and then covered it up with a […]

May 20, 2023

January 25, 2023

I had a hard day at the Four Seasons today folks 😝 But nah, for real. Let me tell you about why I love mastery. And @fourseasons is a master of the game of service. It’s the kind of attention where their masculine is so fine tuned to meet my every desire. But today I […]

Unless you personally know my woman and I have allowed you into the deep recesses of my heart we are not friends If you have not met my inner child we are not friends. If I don’t pick up the phone and call you, we are not friends. If interactions are me holding you we […]

January 22, 2023

Unless you personally know my woman and I have allowed you into the deep recesses of my heart we are not friends If you have not met my inner child we are not friends. If I don’t pick up the phone and call you, we are not friends. If interactions are me holding you we […]

January 22, 2023

The farther I go on this path the more impressed I am with what I can meet. I nearly used the word handle but that’s an old version of this. The tough it out version. Grin and bare it. Don’t be a wuss. You are so strong… Perri. That version just didn’t get to be […]

November 30, 2022

November 26, 2022

I’m sitting here this evening after read an article about this thoughtful documentary I watched call Ancient Apocalypse calling it the “most DANGEROUS” documentary on Netflix. What on earth? Some guy suggesting there was a major environmental event that nearly wiped out humans over 12000 years ago is … dangerous? To who exactly? My first […]

What is innocence? Innocence is a state of unbroken wonder. A state of discovery. A state that still holds the oneness beyond the veil. Innocence is a genuine not knowing and is truly reserved for children. Some children don’t even get to enjoy their innocence. Most cultures initiate children into adulthood to break this innocence […]

November 21, 2022

What is innocence? Innocence is a state of unbroken wonder. A state of discovery. A state that still holds the oneness beyond the veil. Innocence is a genuine not knowing and is truly reserved for children. Some children don’t even get to enjoy their innocence. Most cultures initiate children into adulthood to break this innocence […]

November 21, 2022

We all like to think we are honest people. But total honesty is rare. Really. Let’s unpack it. A liar … liar liar pants on fire Oh to be called a liar! See a liar is a very specific thing. A lie is not simply not telling the truth, it’s crafting a fabrication. It’s many […]

November 16, 2022

November 15, 2022

I generally just don’t care. And before you describe that as “cold” or “arrogant” let me reframe this for you. I live in deep relationship with a particular thread of energy that runs through all things in one way or another. It’s the only thing I care about. Being in tune and in sync with […]

As I suspected, a few people have taken my vulnerable post about a nuanced energetic I shared about my own trauma response, one that is probably sub perceptible to most to be confused with my adjustments and sword. Folks I serve Truth. I adjust and attune people to a particular energetic. And I am fierce […]

November 15, 2022

As I suspected, a few people have taken my vulnerable post about a nuanced energetic I shared about my own trauma response, one that is probably sub perceptible to most to be confused with my adjustments and sword. Folks I serve Truth. I adjust and attune people to a particular energetic. And I am fierce […]

November 15, 2022

My experience of this path is that when you first begin it gives you a wide berth. Plenty of room for mistakes, to run patterns again and again. The ability to take shortcuts. And as you develop a deeper relationship with the energetic power that is Truth, she gets tighter. The slap is harder and […]

November 9, 2022

October 28, 2022

There is a particular Pattern I’ve seen emerge with many of my younger women students in their dating lives. They meet a guy They really let themselves open He combusts Can’t handle the relationship They are left there wondering what happened Feeling victimized by their power BUT WORSE that they SHOULDN’T OPEN because “opening scared […]

I am known as many things: Teacher, Mystic, Guide, Cosmic PSSY DJ and Spiritual Entrepreneur. Some of my most important titles are Woman, Wife, Mother. I am passionate about guiding others into their soul's highest potential and full expression. I am so glad you found me.
Buckle up buttercup! It's gonna be a ride!





spriritual entrepreneur

cosmuc pssy dj




