
Being adopted made me an orphan from my bloodline for most of my life. Growing up inside a false family tree that I always knew wasn’t really mine but for the purposes of my life it was. There was so long I wondered and yearned and on some level I felt so blessed not to […]

July 23, 2023

Being adopted made me an orphan from my bloodline for most of my life. Growing up inside a false family tree that I always knew wasn’t really mine but for the purposes of my life it was. There was so long I wondered and yearned and on some level I felt so blessed not to […]

July 23, 2023

I pray for Truth. I don’t pray for a desired outcome I don’t pray for objects or material things. I pray for the sweeping blade of Truth. And for that which is not in my highest and best good to be removed from my life I get on my knees and I lay my head […]

July 14, 2023

June 26, 2023

There is something I’ve been really sitting with, especially spending time with myself. I love being with myself now. And I love being with myself when I’m not influenced by the fields of others. What has been coming clearer and clearer for me is a remembrance of who I was as a child before my […]

I am deep in my alchemical practice at the moment. The mold and the CIRS which I’ve chosen to abandon as my central focus were an invitation to go in with laser sharp precision into the most unbearably painful locations. These are not mental stories. To the physical energy that got stuck and could not […]

June 4, 2023

I am deep in my alchemical practice at the moment. The mold and the CIRS which I’ve chosen to abandon as my central focus were an invitation to go in with laser sharp precision into the most unbearably painful locations. These are not mental stories. To the physical energy that got stuck and could not […]

June 4, 2023

I want to make a distinction in practice. The difference between going unconscious in a trigger, and consciously allowing your human to be wounded. What’s the difference? I’m in this inquiry because I just had a falling out with a friend who reacted in a deeply unconscious way and then covered it up with a […]

May 20, 2023

May 18, 2023

First, I want to say up front that I do not teach about food. At ALL. There is no mention of food in any of my personal teachings in any program. People have this misconception that I’m out here telling women to get fat. It’s so ridiculous it’s laughable. I’ll come back to this in […]

My life began with loss. It was literally the first thing I ever experienced. Deeply encoded. I can see the perfection that it’s a high level spiritual choice to come in this way if you want to practice the left hand path of loss and non-attachment, but the human part of us still has to […]

May 17, 2023

My life began with loss. It was literally the first thing I ever experienced. Deeply encoded. I can see the perfection that it’s a high level spiritual choice to come in this way if you want to practice the left hand path of loss and non-attachment, but the human part of us still has to […]

May 17, 2023

I think there is enormous distortion around the concept of friendship and it’s one that I come back to over and over again. What is TRUE friendship and who are my TRUE friends? But I’ve also been in inquiry about whether I even value friendship. Yes. You heard me right. I’m not sure I value […]

May 12, 2023

April 25, 2023

One of the things I am most grateful for in this experience with Mold is the precision it requires to relate to it. It’s like unthreading a fine cashmere sweater one centimeter at a time. It requires incredible patience and precision. Force and collapse have no place on this journey. It’s walking a narrow tight […]

The Art of Mockery And it’s place and importance in my teaching… Mockery, like satire, is an important tool in the truth sayer’s toolkit. It’s a caricature. A purposeful exaggeration. There are many people who judge my use of this tool with a spiritually superior set of rules that say this is not kind. They […]

March 6, 2023

The Art of Mockery And it’s place and importance in my teaching… Mockery, like satire, is an important tool in the truth sayer’s toolkit. It’s a caricature. A purposeful exaggeration. There are many people who judge my use of this tool with a spiritually superior set of rules that say this is not kind. They […]

March 6, 2023

There is this particular moment when driving my car when I gun it and you can feel the turbo and the gear shifts and the whole thing just opens and takes off. I love it. It’s my favorite feeling. To fly. It’s not lost on me when I almost committed suicide as a teenager that […]

March 2, 2023

February 24, 2023

There is a thread that’s standing out to me at the moment with how I’m handling my house and the way I need to handle my body in this next phase of healing. My doctor and I discussed the trauma I grew up with and the fight instinct and how the way I was going […]

It’s been the one place for so long I had no sight I was flying blind And it led me to seek saviors who could save me from my body Now let’s not get confused here My body is what let’s me feel truth But when it came to topics the body itself I would […]

February 19, 2023

It’s been the one place for so long I had no sight I was flying blind And it led me to seek saviors who could save me from my body Now let’s not get confused here My body is what let’s me feel truth But when it came to topics the body itself I would […]

February 19, 2023

I had a hard day at the Four Seasons today folks 😝 But nah, for real. Let me tell you about why I love mastery. And @fourseasons is a master of the game of service. It’s the kind of attention where their masculine is so fine tuned to meet my every desire. But today I […]

January 25, 2023

January 22, 2023

Unless you personally know my woman and I have allowed you into the deep recesses of my heart we are not friends If you have not met my inner child we are not friends. If I don’t pick up the phone and call you, we are not friends. If interactions are me holding you we […]

My entire experience here in Hawaii has been nothing less than Majestic. A number of years ago, before I really started to deepen into my medicine, I had a psychedelic experience while I was purging for days. On the fourth night of this purge, I was visited in a vision by an Elemental Lava Rock […]

January 21, 2023

My entire experience here in Hawaii has been nothing less than Majestic. A number of years ago, before I really started to deepen into my medicine, I had a psychedelic experience while I was purging for days. On the fourth night of this purge, I was visited in a vision by an Elemental Lava Rock […]

January 21, 2023

Right now I’m detoxing and creating immersive opportunities to sweat. If I go into these things without paying attention I will want to leave the experience right before I begin to sweat. I notice the pattern. The body heats. The discomfort builds. Right before my pores open and the sweat begins to pour, my mind […]

January 18, 2023

January 17, 2023

One of my practices is real time adjustment of all things in my field. This is an enormous and sometimes inconvenient practice. It requires me to feel each moment and communicate with precision. It also requires I communicate with approval and staying open to reception. One of the saddest things I see is the cultural […]

I am known as many things: Teacher, Mystic, Guide, Cosmic PSSY DJ and Spiritual Entrepreneur. Some of my most important titles are Woman, Wife, Mother. I am passionate about guiding others into their soul's highest potential and full expression. I am so glad you found me.
Buckle up buttercup! It's gonna be a ride!





spriritual entrepreneur

cosmuc pssy dj





