
The standard kind is layering Ego to create a complex multilayered identity that makes it seem like you unique. The second is to peel away that which is not True and allow the universe to move through you in the way it could only move through you. The first leads to disconnection, comparison, loneliness and […]

July 22, 2022

The standard kind is layering Ego to create a complex multilayered identity that makes it seem like you unique. The second is to peel away that which is not True and allow the universe to move through you in the way it could only move through you. The first leads to disconnection, comparison, loneliness and […]

July 22, 2022

On this path of Embodied Spirituality what I have learned is that there is no bypassing : – Your trauma – Your nervous system – Your inner child Because no matter how much you think you “know” or understand, a real spiritual journey as a human includes the body and the unhealed wounded parts. There […]

May 24, 2022

April 22, 2022

One of the number one reasons people don’t communicate truthfully is because they fear loss of connection. Let’s sit with that belief. “If I tell the truth I will lose connection.” What is connection then? How can there be connection when there is an absence of truth? Absence of truth is the definition of disconnection. […]

I’ve been meditating on this because I have a number of women in my sphere who write about this and I wanted to add my perspective as it relates to my own partnership and the way I see this play out in the world. The first question is what is the PURPOSE of “PROTECTION & […]

October 2, 2021

I’ve been meditating on this because I have a number of women in my sphere who write about this and I wanted to add my perspective as it relates to my own partnership and the way I see this play out in the world. The first question is what is the PURPOSE of “PROTECTION & […]

October 2, 2021

I am known as many things: Teacher, Mystic, Guide, Cosmic PSSY DJ and Spiritual Entrepreneur. Some of my most important titles are Woman, Wife, Mother. I am passionate about guiding others into their soul's highest potential and full expression. I am so glad you found me.
Buckle up buttercup! It's gonna be a ride!





spriritual entrepreneur

cosmuc pssy dj





